Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mask #4 Enzuigiri - Welcome To Die 7"

The 2nd top rope powerbomb by this band of wrestling obsessed freaks from the Mid-Ohio Valley. Three more tracks of riff-heavy, high flying hardcore with some chilled out slower parts thrown in as well, because every good squared circle bout needs some rest holds. I would throw in some band comparisons, but none of it would make any sense. Just take a listen on the link below.

Covers were painstakingly put together by yours truly. Transparencies, hand stamped labels, stickers, multiple inserts, free download slip, the whole nine yards. Artwork by Brad Pierce.

This can be ordered in the NEW ONLINE STORE

Any interested labels/distros can get in touch about wholesale/trades through e-mail.

Escalator / Xtra Vomit split 7" (split with IFB records)
Phasm demo CS

Monday, November 14, 2011


Enzuigiri "Burning Hammer Over The East" Weekend Jaunt

Nov. 18: Washington, DC @Wasted Dream w/Bridge & Tunnel, The Fordists, Harrison Four

Nov. 19: Bethlehem, PA @Secret Art Space w/Bonjour, Trophywife, Bleeding Fractals

Nov. 20: Willimantic, CT @The Handsome Woman w/One Hundred Year Ocean, Olde Growth, Sneeze, Zebras And Bulls Fight Tonight

The new 7" will be available with ANOTHER exclusive cover just for this weekend. Will the real covers ever be ready? As Lex Luger would say, "I DON'T KNOOOW!"

Friday, October 28, 2011

Dirtsheet 10/28/11

"Record Release" edition of Enzuigiri - "Welcome To Die" 7" only available at the 10/28 show in Parkersburg, WV and Morgue Fest in Athens, OH (10/29).

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dirtsheet 7/14/11


(Thanks, Brad.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dirtsheet 7/12/11

Enzuigiri is playing the 6th annual Berea Fest this coming weekend (7/15-7/16) in lovely Berea, OH. I hope the organizers realize what a mistake they've made by letting that happen.

The complete lineup is posted on the fest's website at

I was hoping to at least have some test presses of the new 7" for this, but that just won't be happening. There will be new shirts, though. That's kind of cool, right?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dirtsheet 4/6/11

This summer

Mask #4: Enzuigiri - 2nd 7"

Wasn't Wrestlemania awful this year? What a mess.

I'm going to be setting up an online shop sometime in the near future so orders won't have to be done through e-mail anymore. I'll even have some new distro items.

If you're in or around the WV area, there's a GREAT show happening on May 13th in Parkersburg.


I'll post more info as things come together.

I have a couple of those tour cd-rs left, so send me an e-mail if you want one.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mask #2.5 Enzuigiri - Tour CDr


We made a small run of some cds for a weekend tour. The cd contains rough mixes of the upcoming 7". Every cd comes in a sealed envelope that features a different wrestler. If you want one, you'll have to get one at a show (or send me a very nice e-mail).

Monday, January 17, 2011

Dirtsheet 1/18/11

It's come to my attention that people are having problems with the download code for the Pigeonholes tape. I'm seeing what's up with it and I'll update here once it's fixed.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mask #2 Pigeonholes - Demo

I could throw around terms like pop punk, indie, garage, post-hardcore, drunken-mess, sloppy-bullshit, or some other genres that people have used to describe this band, but I don't feel any of those do them any justice. Taking a little bit of each of the above genres (mainly the last two), Pigeonholes have crafted their own brand of madness that's sure to be piledriven into your head and will never, ever leave...not like you would want it to. Enough of the stupid description, take a listen for yourself.

This tape comes to the ring wearing a championship belt and also comes with a download card so those who complain about tapes can listen to this on their ipods.


To order, send an e-mail to manof1000masks[at]gmail[dot]com.

Distros, get in touch for wholesale or trades.


By the way, I added a couple of things to the distro.